Complete Real Example
3. Approve cosumer and upload secrets

Approving the Consumer and Sending Secrets

Now that we have the contract deployed, we need to approve it in the OracleRouter and send the API key (from the header) so the Oracle can access our backend. Follow these steps:

Note: If you are following the full example, you won't need to approve the consumer, because it was done automatically in the previous section when deploying the ExampleContract.sol.

  1. Approve the Consumer:
    In your Oracle Dashboard, click on the Add/Remove Consumer tab to allow your smart contract to interact with the Oracle.
    input your address deployment and click Add Consumer.

    Add/Remove Consumer Tab

  1. Send Secrets to Oracle:
    Select your approved consumer in the right box an click on Oracle Secrets tab to securely store your API key.
    Add this 2 headers:

    • Content-Type => application/json
    • api_key => rnmdfgdfwer34234asdfsdf41mp&*cm6hw+tm0!a^sdfsdfwe35uqx1z4

    Send Secrets Tab

Once the headers are signed, slot 0 will be selected by default. Now, you just need to send the secrets. Click on "Send Secrets".